Huge pro-independence rally ends up with heavy attacks from Spanish police

  • It's the end of a long general strike day in Catalonia

18.10.2019 - 20:19
Actualització: 18.10.2019 - 22:19

From early afternoon, there are heavy clashes in Barcelona’s Via Laietana between a large group of protesters and the Spanish police, in the area where the latter has its headquarters. The Spanish police have charged against sitting protesters, shot hundreds of rubber balls, which are prohibited in Catalonia, and also tear gas. The Catalan police also takes part in the operation.

Demonstrators have built fire barricades and thrown stones and other objects towards the police officers. At the moment, there are more than 40 injured people, some of them with rubber bullet impacts in their faces, and at least 11 protestors have been arrested. One unconscious  police officer had to be taken away.

The clashes started at the end of a massive rally with more than half a million people attending, according to local police. Among them where the thousands of participants in the Catalan Freedom Marches that took place since Wednesday all over Catalonia. The marches contributed to the general strike called today in Catalonia.

Here are some videos about the clashes:



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