Protests against Russian invasion of Ukraine go on in Catalonia

VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
28.02.2022 - 15:12
Actualització: 28.02.2022 - 16:12

Hundreds of people gather every day at Barcelona’s Plaça Catalunya to demonstrate against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Saturday saw the largest protest since the troops of Russian president Vladimir Putin entered Ukraine, with some 700 people gathering to denounce the violence and disregard for Ukraine’s soveriegnity.

Overnight, some people even camped out in Plaça Catalunya square and started a hunger strike as well, emulating the Maidan revolution seen in Ukraine in 2014. Protests first began outside the Russian consulate on Thursday morning, just hours after Putin’s forces first began their invasion. Later demonstrations took place in the city center and in both locations again on Friday.

A big demonstration has been called in Barcelona on Wednesday 2 March at 6.30PM.


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