Spain does not dare to condemn for rebellion but imposes penalties of up to 13 years in prison for sedition

  • Spain's Supreme Court imposes penalties of between 9 and 13 years to Catalonia's political prisoners for sedition and misuse of funds

Toni Strubell
14.10.2019 - 08:02
Actualització: 14.10.2019 - 10:02

Nine pro-independence leaders have been convicted to 9 to 13 years in jail, guilty of sedition and some of them also misuse of public funds. Spain’sSupreme Court convicted former vice president Oriol Junqueras to 13 years behind bars, with also jailed former ministers Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva and Dolors Bassa getting a 12-year sentence. They were all found guilty of sedition and misuse of funds for their role in the 2017 referendum push.

The former parliament speaker, Carme Forcadell, was sentenced to 11 years and a half for sedition. Former ministers Joaquim Forn and Josep Rull got 10 and a half years each for the same crime, with leading activists Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart being sentenced to 9 years each, also for sedition.

They are all also barred from office for as many years, and their joint sentence adds up 99.5 years in jail. The Supreme Court has also found guilty the only three officials in the dock during the Catalan trial but not in provisional detention, but only for disobedience, which carries no imprisonment. Carles Mundó, Santi Vila and Meritxell Borràs got a 60,000-euro fine.


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