Spain fails in all Council of Europe recommendations on corruption prevention

  • GRECO report is very harsh on the Spanish government's inaction and puts emphasis on police corruption

30.03.2022 - 08:32
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 10:12

The Council of Europe bluntly reprehends Spain in the fight against corruption. The latest report by the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) states that the Spanish government has not complied with any of the nineteen recommendations made to them to improve transparency and efficiency of the administration and to prevent corruption.

The GRECO report points especially to the police and considers its progress in building an “ethical infrastructure” to be “disappointing”. The text notes that the Spanish Guardia Civil has made “some progress”, but does not see any “concrete improvement” in the case of the National Police.

On the political front, GRECO regrets that the Spanish state has not taken any steps to strengthen transparency in the case of advisers or to establish a strategy to mitigate the risks of corruption in the case of senior officials. In the same vein, it sees no progress in the recommendation to ensure that the Transparency and Good Governance Council has “adequate independence, authority and resources to function effectively.”

The report notes that Spain has also made no progress in establishing rules on the relationship between senior officials and lobbies, or in recommending the expansion of public information on the assets of senior officials, or in overseeing possible conflicts of interest.

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

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