Lowest prison category of Catalan political prisoners suspended

  • The announcement has been received with indignation in Catalonia

VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
28.07.2020 - 14:51
Actualització: 28.07.2020 - 16:51

Spain’s public prosecutor’s office in Barcelona has appealed today the lowest prison category granted to jailed independence leaders Oriol Junqueras, Raül Romeva, Jordi Sànchez, Quim Forn and Jordi Cuixart, and a local judge has accepted the appeal. According to the prosecutor, it created “a sense of impunity” and had to be suspended until a judge rules on the matter.

The announcement has been received with indignation in Catalonia. The lowest prison category, which came into effect for all nine political prisoners just two weeks ago, allowed them to both spend weekends at home and work outside prison during the week while having to return on weeknights.

The court that tried them in 2019, Spain’s Supreme Court, will have the final say on the issue.

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

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