Spansh policeman, 1 October 2017: “If one of them didn’t end up with a broken rib, they were close”

  • New footage shows Spanish police violence on referendum day

28.09.2018 - 15:40
Actualització: 28.09.2018 - 17:40

New footage showing Spanish police violence seen on October 1, 2017, from the officers’ cameras was published by the Catalan News Agency on Friday morning. Some officers can be seen beating and yelling at voters, and then commenting on the operation to each other afterwards.

“I used my truncheon like there was no tomorrow. And there was no way. And they pushed and pushed. If one of them didn’t end up with a broken rib, they were close” one of the officers remarks.

An excerpt shows some officers inside a police station surrounding a woman and yelling at her. They ask “where are the ballot boxes?” “I swear to God that I don’t know,” she answers, crying.

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