Spotify releases official playlist with Catalan indie music

  • Curated 65 song journey includes groups and artists such as Els Amics de les Arts, Manel, Blaumut and Núria Graham

VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
06.02.2021 - 19:27
Actualització: 06.02.2021 - 20:27

The famous streaming service Spotify has published a playlist called ‘IndieCat’, a curated 65 song journey through Catalan indie hits. The three-hour-long mix has, as of 6 February, 13.000 likes, and is updated every Friday to reflect and highlight new talent. This is not Spotify’s first encounter with indie mixes. In fact, they have made many of these for different countries, such as Italy, India or Spain.

Although all songs are by Catalan artists, a few are in English such as the song ‘Boredom’ by Catalan-Irish singer Núria Graham, making the playlist an easy introduction into the Catalan indie scene for any international listener.

The artists featured include bands such as Barcelona-based Els Amics de les Arts, one of the most well-known groups of the new wave of Catalan folk-pop. Their latest album El senyal que esperaves (The signal you were waiting for) was released in January 2020, 15 years after the band formed.

Other highlights that should be mentioned are the groups Manel, Mishima, Sanjosex or Blaumut, who also experiment with this quintessentially Catalan mix of indie, pop, and folk, and newcomers and artists to watch out for such as Manger and its single ‘Màgia’.


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