Taking office of FC Barcelona’s new board, headed by Josep Maria Bartomeu

  • Ramon Adell, president of FC Barcelona’s Management Committee, and Josep Maria Bartomeu, newly elected president of the Catalan club, have signed the transfer of powers on monday in the President[...]

22.07.2015 - 18:08
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 09:52

Ramon Adell, president of FC Barcelona’s Management Committee, and Josep Maria Bartomeu, newly elected president of the Catalan club, have signed the transfer of powers on monday in the President Sunyol Box at Camp Nou and subsequently held an extraordinary meeting of the Management Committee and the new Board of Directors of FC Barcelona, which officially took office. FC Barcelona elections took place on Saturday and incumbent President Josep Maria Bartomey won with 54% of the votes, while former President Joan Laporta obtained 33% of support.

The signing of the transfer of powers was attended by former presidents Agustí Montal, Joan Gaspart, Enric Reyna, Sandro Rosell; candidates for the presidency Agustí Benedito and Toni Freixa; pre-candidates Joan Batiste, Jordi Majó and Jordi Farré; the president of the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs Antoni Guil, as well as members of the Management Committee and the new Board of Directors. Also present were Ivan Tibau, secretary general for sport and Andreu Subies, president of the Catalan Football Federation.

Once the transfer of power was official, the new Board, which will decide on the first agreements of its mandate, conducted its first regular meeting.

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