Catalonia's foreign minister: Catalangate espionage scandal is only tip of iceberg
Victòria Alsina meets CitizenLab head in Canada and renews cooperation between Catalonia and Quebec

Victòria Alsina meets CitizenLab head in Canada and renews cooperation between Catalonia and Quebec
Supreme Court allows appeals against pardons after change of tribunal composition
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) grants status to Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí
Famous American artist painted 'Acid' during his visit to the Catalan capital in 1989
An interview with Tundu Lissu, Tanzania’s opposition leader, on the similarities between political repression in Tanzania and Spain
Former police official and ex-minister's head of office wanted to link politicians to Swiss bank accounts, according to leaked tapes
It's the third most followed sporting event in the world after the Football World Cup and the Olympic Games
Barcelona en Comú party members unanimously enabled it in internal vote despite two terms limitation in code of ethics
Former French PM Valls backed Colau to return as mayor, frustrating hopes of poll-topper pro-independence Maragall
Ruling on musician accused of glorifying terrorism and insulting monarchy can be appealed