[VIDEO] Pep Guardiola reads a protest statement addressed to the international community

  • In the name of the Democratic Tsunami, the coach has asked the international community to intervene in the conflict to 'sit and talk' with Spain

14.10.2019 - 19:54
Actualització: 14.10.2019 - 21:54

Coach Pep Guardiola has read an international statement on behalf of Catalan protest group Tsunami Democràtic, that has been broadcasted jointly by the BBC, France Press and Catalan TV3. Guardiola has asked the international community to “intervene in the conflict” and has asked Spain to finally “sit and talk”.

In the statement, addressed to civil society around the world, the protest group also demands a “political and democratic solution” from the Spanish government. “Spain: sit and talk”, says the text. It also calls on international civil society to pressure its governments to take a stance in the conflict and help to find “political and democratic solutions”.


La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

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